How to create an Animator State Machine

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A previous "How To" guided you through the steps on how to add animations to a custom entity, using the AnimationSDX class. This was limited to using Legacy animations on the entity, and limited us on what kind of asset we wanted to add to the game. We typically had to rely on baked in animation for that particular asset.

A new mecanim class has been created, which allows us to use standard Motion Captured (mocap) animations, and add them to entities that are rigged, but not animated.

Using mecanim opens up many new features, including using non-Legacy animations, and setting state transitions, allowing a smoother transition between animations. It also gives you control, in Unity, in how to set up transitions, swap out animations, all without using or changing any code.

Here's what Unity has to say about it.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating an Animator Controller in Unity, adding in animations, control flow, and states, and finally add a new entity in game.

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