SDX Intermediate Tutorial

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The SDX Intermediate Tutorial assumes you have already followed the "Getting Set up" guide and completed the "SDX Beginner Tutorial"

In our Beginner Tutorial examples, we added in the Katana and a Cube block to the game. These mods added a new unity3d model, and made some XML changes. What it didn't do, was change or add any functionality in the game.

There's two types of coding that can be added in by SDX:  PatchScripts and Scripts.

PatchScripts are code that is added as part of the Build process, and make changes directly in the Assembly-CSharp.dll, or more precisely, they patch the Assembly-CSharp.dll. PatchScripts are meant to update or change base game features.

Scripts are code that are compiled into the Mods.dll, and loaded at when the game starts. Scripts are meant to add new classes and functionality, often extending the base game.

For the Intermediate Tutorial, we'll explore the Patch Scripts by adding the Bigger Back Pack Mod.

HAL9000 has created a series of extremely valuable SDX 7 Videos that take you step by step through some of the advanced methods

The 7D2D SDX 7 Patch Scripts video takes you step by step through in how to create your first PatchScript.

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