SDX XPath Configurations

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SDX supports different ways to insert XML files from your mod's Config folder.

set - Replaces attributes

append - Adds a node or nodes

remove - Removes a node or nodes

insertBefore - Allows you to add a node before another node

insertAFter - Allows you add a node directly after another node

Set Example:

The Bigger Back Pack mod includes an example for the <set> tag

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowBackpack']/panel[@name='content']/grid[@name='inventory']/@rows">5</set>

Append Example:

The Katana Mod includes an example for the <append>. Basically, it tells SDX to add the following snippets to the bottom of the node.

       <append xpath="/items">        

               <!-- more XML Nodes -->


In the above example, it will include all the subsequent nodes at the bottom of the Items list.

remove Example:

The remove node can be used to remove a complete node.

       <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='club']" />

This tells SDX to remove the club item.

insertBefore / insertAfter

This tells SDX to insert the node before, or after the xpath location.

       <insertAfter xpath="/items/item[@name='club']" >

               <!-- mode XML Nodes -->


Any XML nodes will be inserted after the Club item.

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