In previous tutorials, we had to deal with the Transform Position (so the block sits right in the world), and the box collider.
An animated character has more Components in order for everything to work well. We'll review them here.
With the DummyAnim prefab selected, we'll look at the Inspector
We have our Transform, as always, but we also have a new component called Animator.
The Animator has a Controller, and an Avatar. However, these are not available on all prefabs, and seem to be a bit unnecessary for some models.
Under the Hierarchy, click on the second part of the prefab, the "Character", and look at the Inspector.
We have a Skinned Mesh Renderer, and a Shader. The Skinned Mesh Renderer is required for animation sequences, allowing the mesh to bend with the movements.
It also has a Shader option, which for most models is set for Standard. For older unity assets ( pre Unity 5.x ), the Shader may need to be adjusted. However, that appears to be rare.
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