SDX Advanced Tutorial

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The SDX Advanced Tutorial assumes you have already followed the "Getting Set up" guide, and completed the SDX Beginner Tutorial and SDX Intermediate Tutorial.

In the Bigger Back Pack mod, we went over the PatchScripts, and how they were added to the Assembly-CSharp.dll during SDX compile time. Those changes, if you remember, were added inside of the game's DLL.

Scripts, on the other hand, are compiled into a Mods.dll, and loaded during run-time. When the game loads, the Mods.dll is injected into the Assembly-CSharp.dll.

Besides when and how they are loaded, how are they different? And why are they different?

PatchScripts, as we've mentioned before, changes how the base game does things. In our previous examples, we increased storage by adjusting a few pieces of code in the game, and the XML. If you are only doing small adjustments, like we did for the bigger back pack mod, then PatchScripts are fine, and preferred way. However, if we wanted to do more, then PatchScripts would be tedious, and limited to changing existing code.

But what if we wanted to do more with our mods? We aren't limited to just adjusting the way the base game behaves with SDX. Rather, we can use the Scripts functionality to add completely new objects into the game, including new animations, new blocks triggers, and new ways of interacting with the world.

For the Advanced Tutorial, we'll explore the Scripts by adding in Three08's Neon Sign Mod.

Note: The Advanced Tutorial covers C# .NET code, and it's assumed the reader has at least some understanding of the concepts in C#.

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